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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

such a feeling coming over me...

hurrmm, it has been years since 2004 teringin sangat nak melancong.. huhuhu last vacation is on a trip to tioman island! seriously it was great! superb! and extraordinary experience... mana x nya... we rode boat together as family.... then went for snorkeling! huhu best gilerz!!!!! then, at night, mkn2 together~ sodap!!! ntah mne ntah all the pics... huhuhu

but last week, hahhaha i did the craziest thing ever happened in my life! huhuhu.. me and dila.. went to tawau for a unforgetable memory ever! syesly best!! but, unsatisfied with only 2 days, 3 nights trip... tiket flght mahal.....huhuhuhuhuhu T_____________T.. xpe rrr, len kali leh p agi... just call iman, then "iman!!! ktowg nak p tawau bleh???" hahahha.. bleyh x iman??..

a'ah.... kat cne, we stayed at iman's house (dla's friend.. cmne knal pon dah x igt...).. nme rumah tu.. "astana idaman" (his brother named it.. if i'm not mistaken rr..) at kunak.. his family was very kind and very welcoming us~ hee.. mne x nye, as we arrived jek.. makanan were already served.. very delicious! marvelous! tp x dpt nak mkn byk.. cause it was late at night and we were really not in the mood to eat a lot...

the next day, in the morning, we woke up at 5 am kot! subuh tym tuh!!! awal seyh... si dla can't even sleep well as she was very excited to wait for tomorrow's trip... then, at 8, we went to the real iman parent's house... just by the bay.. his father was a fisherman... best giler kot.. it was my first experience being at kampung nelayan yang atas air punye~ hehehhehe... after that, we went to madai.... tengok waterfall!!! nek hanging bridge!!! hahahhahahahah peluk pokok bosar gilerrr!! cantik saannnggaaatt tempat tuh... just miss the time when i went for a camp and jungle trekking.. huhuhuhuh.. pas p jek tempat tuh... p semporna!! lme gile amek masa to go there... hurmmm quite beautiful scenery and very peaceful... tp ade pokok oilpalm rrr.. kat semenanjung slalu jumpe... masa p x tdo.. but time balik jek... tetido...iman n dla just laughing at me... huhu

p semporna kan... cantik gilerz kot laut die..(kat ctu xde beach..) very very very clear!.. clean gak... have u watch duyong yet?? yang maya karin and saiful apek berlakon tuh...... haaa we went to the film site.. sonox! subhanAllah... very pretty! magnificent! feeling like i'm not in malaysia anymore... hahah... very very very blue~ then, balik.... sampai kunak jek..makan ayam panggang.. kind a popular food over there... iman said, die slalu blnje kwn2 die from semenanjung...hehe... mlm2.. duk umah tgk muvi.. dla tgk doraemon.. hahahha

as for tomorrownyew... lastly we went to tawau... haha finally.. jalan2 jugak ke tawau..a very big city but not very bandar like kuala lumpur rr... plus minus like hurm... melaka kot...kat tawau... jalan2 sket jek... first, we went to MRSM Tawau!! hahah.... give us back memories about MRSM.. huhu bile nak balik jasin nie.. we went there to pick up wina.... hehehhe.. then, poi to hutan rimba tawau kot.... hahaha best for camping, riadah and also for hiking... kat ctu ade hot spring, waterfall, bird's park.. etc... sungai die sangat sangat sangat menarik! huhu nak mandi!!!!!!!! best gile kot klu dapat mandi ctu...but, we don't have shirts anymore to wear.. huhuhu... then, p tawau blik..makan pizza hut~ dla's treat.. yeah! a'ah larh... fyi, hahaha sepanjang our trip, we just had seen only one traffic light.. haha... to much roundabout rrr... nek pening seyh tgk roundabout banyak sangat... huhuhu

then nek flight at 10 pm... at tawau airport.. arrived 2 hours and 45 minutes later at LCCT.. hahaha...cute plane die... very colourful!! hahahha....

i hope one day nnti, i can have a visit to tawau again.... tp lagi best if i can around to the whole sabah~ hahaha.. giler...... nak snorkeling... plus nak p sipadan island too~ weee~


miss asilah said...

bee bee.. jeles nye.....~~!!

nak ikut skali pergi.. ;(

BeE~BiE said...

wahahha~ bleh3!! cepat rr balik msia!!

Fee dAs said...

jgn lupe bwk aku gk!! ko p jauu2...aku p mlake ja.... >P

Fee dAs said...

elerh...kt tawau ade waterworld ka??ktorg g mlake ade waterworld~~ haha

BeE~BiE said...

ade aq kesah waterworld??? weyh.... love nature rrr~~~

Fee dAs said... nature konon...yg pentg waterworld best~~ haha..

siti zulaiha said...

assalamualaikum...aiseh..mantap!!..gitawau..wei, bee..laen kli jom trevel same2..aku nak ikut gak..nak naik flight lagi...hehehhe

BeE~BiE said...

x bleyh~ x nak nek flight ngn ko.... nnt mesti ko wat perangai cam dak kecik kan???? kekekke