today we're having a pilihanraya for our UTM.
i'm the one who involved in voting people to be MPP
wahaha.. each student must to do so
it's not a choice~
it was very tiring being the helpers for the MPP's candidates
keke...but it's totally fun..maybe
mana xnye.. every night we stapled the posters onto the rafia rope
hanging those hanging poster at the faculty.. kinda interesting!!
yeah...need to find the hot spot where lots of student walk...
but, i just went to FKE, FKM, FP, FPPSM and FS.
huh!! we spend most of the night at FKE juz to find the hot spot..then we did nothing!!
(ade gak amek gule2 yang bertebaran)
and very surprising... some of the faculty already look like jungle of papers...
with lots of pkok menjalar, pokok duit2, and even.. langsir and pintu gerbang are included!!
nasib bek xde binatang buas.. woahuoahuh
keke.. tyme lagi bape minit nak undi.. nmpk x kertas2 undi?
so, as for today..esp for the public candidates
alhamdulillah EVO-M wins 7 out of 10 chairs..
PRO-M wins 3 chairs
and nothing unwanted event happened
during the announcing
agaknye rr kot..
one of them (MPP) is from KTF!!
kak myam~ my ex-jkm ktf
very proud of her!!!
congratulation kak myam!!!
not to forget to kak lia jugak... u've done the best!!
congrats to0o0~
as for the faculty science (FS)..
our forecast student..iskandar, wins a chair out of 3..
very proud of him.. congrats..
but it's kinda feel sad because EVO-M wins a chair out of 3
as for PRO-M wins 2..
so overall... i've heard that EVO-M had win at many faculties..
such as FAB, FKSG, FPPSM... etc is it??
congrats EVO-M!!
but congrats to PRO-M too..
u win alot for this time..u've done the best
may Allah bless us all..
hoping that the new era of MPP will voice out for the sake of mahasiswa UTM
care for us
and help us as much as u can.
again, congratulations to all~
today we're having a pilihanraya for our UTM.
i'm the one who involved in voting people to be MPP
wahaha.. each student must to do so
it's not a choice~
it was very tiring being the helpers for the MPP's candidates
keke...but it's totally fun..maybe
mana xnye.. every night we stapled the posters onto the rafia rope
hanging those hanging poster at the faculty.. kinda interesting!!
yeah...need to find the hot spot where lots of student walk...
but, i just went to FKE, FKM, FP, FPPSM and FS.
huh!! we spend most of the night at FKE juz to find the hot spot..then we did nothing!!
(ade gak amek gule2 yang bertebaran)
and very surprising... some of the faculty already look like jungle of papers...
with lots of pkok menjalar, pokok duit2, and even.. langsir and pintu gerbang are included!!
nasib bek xde binatang buas.. woahuoahuh
so, as for today..esp for the public candidates
alhamdulillah EVO-M wins 7 out of 10 chairs..
PRO-M wins 3 chairs
and nothing unwanted event happened
during the announcing
agaknye rr kot..
one of them (MPP) is from KTF!!
kak myam~ my ex-jkm ktf
very proud of her!!!
congratulation kak myam!!!
not to forget to kak lia jugak... u've done the best!!
congrats to0o0~
as for the faculty science (FS)..
our forecast student..iskandar, wins a chair out of 3..
very proud of him.. congrats..
but it's kinda feel sad because EVO-M wins a chair out of 3
as for PRO-M wins 2..
so overall... i've heard that EVO-M had win at many faculties..
such as FAB, FKSG, FPPSM... etc is it??
congrats EVO-M!!
but congrats to PRO-M too..
u win alot for this time..u've done the best
may Allah bless us all..
hoping that the new era of MPP will voice out for the sake of mahasiswa UTM
care for us
and help us as much as u can.
again, congratulations to all~
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